Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weekend Breakfast

My favorite thing about the weekends in being able to make breakfast.  Breakfast is a significant part of my routine daily anyways, meaning that I need to have it before I leave the house otherwise I am going to have a pretty cranky day.  On the weekends though, there isn't the pressure of having it in a certain time frame, and I'm not limited to just cereal.

Having used all the cheese in the house last night I gave up my dreams of an omelet and instead came up with sweet potato homefries tossed with cumin, paprika, sea salt and pepper sauteed in a mix of olive oil and butter (the trick to get them done without burning for me is a little water and a lid after you get the color you want).  I added two over-medium eggs, some sliced beefsteak tomato with sea salt and pepper and some chipotle ketchup for the homefries. 

I found a beautiful shade grown organic African dark roast coffee at Whole Foods last week, so I had some of that in a french press with some sugar and milk.  The organic conversation will come another time, but 85% of the things in my cupboards and fridge are organic, as local as I can get them, and grown in good practice. 


  1. Nice looking blog, your pix look great! The lemons I could do without hahahaha j/k.
    Looks nice keep up the good work, lemme know if you need help with any blogging stuff!

  2. The lemons are my favorite! It would totally be the wall paper in my kitchen if we had it. But is does accurately reflect the coloring of our kitchen. :)

    Thanks for the nice words though Jon. I really enjoy yours as well.
